Formula 1 Multiverse

What F1 seasons look like with different scoring systems

Hi human visitor. I am Akitaldo, the entity who rules the F1 Multiverse.

You enter a place of alternate timelines where each universe has a specific scoring system. All the race results are the same as in our timeline. But points systems change in these other universes.

This is perfect to answer this sport's most heated questions:

Well, no, actually, this last question even I can't answer. For even my computing power can't quite grasp such a deep mystery.

While exploring this multiverse, you'll see that each universe features all the rankings and points from our reality as well. They're there so that you can compare both timelines at ease. All data from our reality appear under the name Chaos.

Chaos was the first entity to appear in Greek mythology. It represented the origin of the beginning. So this is a fitting name for our reality, since all the other universes derive from it. Also, most other timelines use a unique scoring system over their whole F1 history. While our universe kept changing it. Thus creating more chaos over the years.

Head over to the sections up there to start exploring the F1 Multiverse. But beware! You might not like what you find while exploring these rubbery nooks...
