To DSQ or not to DSQ? That is the question.

By Akitaldo

A quick points recap for each universe:

  • Zeus: Medals
  • Cerberus: 25-18-15-12-10-8-6-4-2-1
  • Castor: 25-18-15-12-10-8-6-4-2-1 + double points in the last race
  • Themis: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
  • Hypnos: 10-6-4-3-2-1
  • Euthenia: 9-6-4-3-2-1
  • Cassandra: 9-6-4-3-2-1 but just over 2/3 of best results count
  • Hephaestus: 9-6-4-3-2-1 minus worst result in each half of the season
  • Eros: 9-6-4-3-2-1 but just over 50% of best results count
  • Typhon: 8-6-4-3-2-1
  • Tartarus: 8-6-4-3-2-1 but just over 50% of best results count

Michael Schumacher got disqualified in Chaos, our timeline. But he didn't have enough points to be World Champion anyways. So Jacques Villeneuve is the legit 1997 World Champion in Chaos.

But that's not the case in some other universes where Michael ends the season with more points than Jacques... And guess what? Michael doesn't get disqualified in these other realities.

I guess the FIA just homogenised its decisions in these other timelines. Because why do you disqualify Michael when you barely give a slap on the wrist to a certain Dutch driver after a certain very dangerous incident... *cough* Monza 2021 *cough*

Anyways. For the sake of the multiverse, Schumacher doesn't get disqualified in alternate realities and we just look at who ends up with more points.

Here is the 1997 season across all the universes of the F1 multiverse:


Rankings 1997 in Zeus


Rankings 1997 in Cerberus


Rankings 1997 in Castor


Rankings 1997 in Themis


Rankings 1997 in Hypnos


Rankings 1997 in Euthenia


Rankings 1997 in Cassandra


Rankings 1997 in Hephaestus


Rankings 1997 in Eros


Rankings 1997 in Typhon


Rankings 1997 in Tartarus

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